
Page last reviewed: May 9, 2024

Public Health AmeriCorps

AmeriCorps - image of youth working
AmeriCorp - group photo of members
AmeriCorp - youth member serving goods to a family
AmeriCorp - youth members working in a garden
AmeriCorps - three members posing with painting supplies
AmeriCorps - youth working at a table
AmeriCorps - member looking out over flooded street
AmeriCorp - youth reading to group of children
AmeriCorps - youth holding dog while looking at storm disaster area
AmeriCorps - members working at a food bank

The City of Houston through the Houston Health Department has developed the Public Health AmeriCorps program serving in the Houston/Harris County Texas area that will focus on areas to access to health care and human services. The AmeriCorps members will provide navigation services and education/training in historically underserved and social vulnerability index priority zip codes. 

Now Accepting Applications

We are now accepting applications for AmeriCorps members. 

  • Are you a leader? 
  • Are you interested in becoming a public health worker?
  • Do you want to change your career path to something more interesting?

Recruitment Interest Form

You may also fill in the AmeriCorps recruitment interest form to request more information. 


If you are interested in participating or learning more about this project, please call or email:


  • Beginning September 2022, you must be willing to dedicate yourself to one year of helping and serving the community. 
  • You must pass a background check
  • You must be 17-30 years old.
  • You must have a high school diploma or GED.


  • You will receive a bi-weekly living allowance.
  • You must serve 35 hours per week.
  • You will get job readiness and public health worker training.

Service Goals

  • You will be able to connect with clients to increase access to health care and human services. 
  • You can provide education to increase awareness of health and social services.

About AmeriCorps

AmeriCorps is a federal agency connecting individuals and organizations through service and volunteering to tackle the nation's most pressing needs. Learn more at