Special Report
Read Improving health outcomes related to COVID-19 to learn how the Houston Health Department and partner organizations are working together to foster health equity for vulnerable Houston residents.
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Page last reviewed: January 2, 2024

The Houston Health Department has received funds from the CDC to implement strategies and activities to address COVID-19 health disparities and health inequities. The COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated and highlighted issues related to social determinants of health in our community. People with unmet social needs are at higher risk for chronic diseases, which makes them particularly susceptible to the life-threatening complications of the virus.
A Coordinated Approach to Reaching Populations
A coordinated approach that is community driven is essential to building and sustaining trust, ensuring equitable access to COVID-19 related services, and advancing health equity to address COVID-19 related health disparities among populations at higher risk, underserved and disproportionately affected.
To reach populations at higher risk, underserved, and disproportionately affected, including racial and ethnic minority groups and people living in rural communities, it is critical for funded recipients and key partners to implement a coordinated and holistic approach that builds on culturally, linguistically, and locally tailored strategies and best practices to reduce COVID-19 risk.
Meet the Houston Health Department Health Equity Team!

Photo: It takes a village with a shared goal to make real progress in the mission to break down barriers to achieve optimal health. This village is a team of public health professionals dedicated to embedding health equity in everything the Houston Health Department takes on. Efforts to build strong community connections have been tireless and unyielding. Health department leadership and team members are ready to improve health equity for the people they touch on a daily basis. Join the team as they persist toward their goal.
Funded through a partnership with the Houston Health Department to advance health equity by ensuring all Houstonians have the opportunity to attain their full potential.