About Harris County Area Agency on Aging
Established in 1977, the Harris County Area Agency on Aging provides federally funded social services for the elderly, as authorized by the Grants for Community Programs on Aging, Title III, Older Americans Act of 1965.
Download the Harris County Area on Aging Approved Area Plan
Under the overall goal of a comprehensive, community-based services delivery system, the Harris County Area Agency on Aging has the following federally mandated responsibilities:
- Determine the need for social and nutrition services with special attention given to those elderly in greatest economic or social need
- Advocate for the elderly by increasing the awareness of service providers, elected officials, civic groups, and the corporate and voluntary sectors regarding the needs of the elderly
- Utilize federal funds to fill identified service gaps
- Provide technical assistance and training to service providers and private sector organizations relating to aging programs and services
The Aging Network
The Older Americans Act of 1965 and its subsequent amendments authorized the establishment of state units on aging and “Area Agencies on Aging” to plan and fund services at the state and local levels. Currently, there are more than 650 area agencies nationwide.