Page last reviewed: October 10, 2023
Houston Lead-Based Paint Hazard Control Program

The Houston Lead-Based Paint Hazard Control Program provides services that help lower-income households identify, remove, or stabilize lead-based paint hazards at no cost to the client. This HUD -funded program is a three-year initiative with the goal of providing lead-based hazard control activities to more than 198 households throughout the City of Houston.
The City of Houston has identified sixteen (16) areas within City of Houston as high-risk areas for potential lead-based paint hazards.
The overall goal of the Lead-Based Paint Hazard Control program is to provide lead-safe housing to the residents of City of Houston, especially those households with children under the age of 6. The program also stresses the importance of general lead-based paint hazard awareness and personal knowledge of proper housing renovation safety standards and appropriate home cleaning techniques. The program also alerts all parents to the negative health effects of lead-based paint and other lead hazards, including interventions that parents can take to decrease and/or eliminate the risks of lead poisoning.
The Lead-Based Paint Hazard Control program is conducted in partnership with Childhood Lead Poisoning and Prevention Program. CLPPP provides case coordination, education and surveillance of children with elevated blood-lead levels.
We are available for public presentations to any interested group or organization. Call 832-393-5141.
How to apply to the lead program
All applicants to the Lead Program must meet income eligibility guidelines. All properties receiving lead hazard control activities must be current on all property taxes, provide proof of ownership. Rental clients must obtain rental agreement, fair housing standards and landlords must sign an agreement to rent to families with children under six years of age.
Number in household / Maximum income limit
- $38,780
- $44,300
- $49,850
- $55,350
- $59,800
- $64,250
- $68,650
- $73,100