MBK Partner Programs
Page last reviewed: July 5, 2023

Law and the Community: WIN-WIN is a program of the My Brother’s Keeper Houston initiative. WIN-WIN was designed to eliminate hostile and deadly encounters between law enforcement, youth, and citizens in Houston.
The program provides an interactive learning environment whereby together law enforcement, youth and black and brown men of color listen, learn, and collaborate to ensure safety for one another. The focus is on building/rebuilding trust, while educating youth and citizens on police interaction protocols.
The goal is for everyone to return home safe at the end of a police encounter. When residents and police collaborate, it is a WIN-WIN!
Our priority populations for the program are MBK feeder pattern schools, ReEntry, and ReDirect clients.
Anyone adversely impacted by the criminal justice System will benefit. WIN-WIN is also aligned with the MBK Milestone 6 focus area, aimed at reducing violence and providing second chance opportunities.
The Houston Police Department, Houston Health Department, and the National Organization of Black Law Enforcement Executives partner to present this program.