Page last reviewed: October 15, 2024

The screening calendar contains dates and locations for the mobile clinic. Please review the following guidelines for the mobile clinic and the scheduled hours of operation listed on the calendar. Three of our Health Centers offer HIV and STD weekday testing services.
Guidelines for Scheduling, Availability, and Alternate Screening Sites
Screening priorities for the mobile clinic are based on actual STD cases, outreach screenings and other Houston Health Department initiatives. On occasion, based on department’s needs and unforeseen screening priorities, the schedules for the mobile clinic may be revised, and previously scheduled events may be cancelled.
In some instances, the mobile clinic may be required to relocate from the site originally scheduled on the calendar to an alternative screening site. If this occurs, the mobile clinic coordinator will notify program supervisors, staff from other participating organizations and the department’s website of the change of testing venue.
Telephone Numbers
During Office Hours
Monday – Friday, 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Office Hotline: 832-393-5010
The mobile clinic will be parked in the vicinity of the scheduled location. Please call for exact location.
*All clients must be registered 45 minutes prior to closing hours.
Other HHD Services
Syphilis Testing and Treatment
Syphilis is a bacterial sexually transmitted infection (STI) that can cause serious health problems if left untreated. Infection develops in stages (primary, secondary, latent, and tertiary). Each stage can have dierent signs and symptoms.

Family Planning and Reproductive Health
The Houston Health Department’s Title X Family Planning and Reproductive Health Program ensures that quality family planning and related preventive health services are available to all individuals of reproductive age, to prevent unplanned pregnancies for women between the ages of 14–51, through core family planning clinical services, education, and outreach.

Health Centers
We provide patient services to meet the community’s present and future needs in family planning, immunizations, tuberculosis diagnosis, care for sexually transmitted diseases, and dental care.