Page last reviewed: September 23, 2022
COVID-19 Hotel Program
Harris County and the City of Houston have partnered to offer temporary hotel rooms for people in Harris County unable to quarantine or isolate safely. The General Population Isolation and Recovery Center (GPIRC) and Homeless Medical Isolation and Recovery Center (HMIRC) are funded through Harris County and the City of Houston. During the quarantine or isolation period, temporary hotel rooms are available on a case by case basis. These hotel rooms are shelters of last resort when routine hospital case management protocols are exhausted.
For all referrals:
- Patients cannot be accepted if they require medical intervention (i.e., supplemental oxygen), assessment, or monitoring during their stay, including for conditions not related to COVID-19.
- Patients cannot be accepted if they are experiencing serious behavioral health issues.
- Hospitals must be located in the City of Houston or Harris County.
- At discharge, hospitals will provide the patient with a 30-day supply of prescribed medication if a retail pharmacy is available to them. (Example: public hospitals such as Harris Health or Veterans Hospital should supply medication before discharge.)
- Hospitals are responsible for safely transporting patients to the hotel facility.
Homeless Eligibility Criteria & Referral Process
- Hospitals may use the hotel facility for isolation purposes for patients who:
- Test positive;
- Lack the means to self-isolate, i.e., verified homeless in Homeless Management Information System (HMIS); AND
- Are in stable condition with mild/moderate symptoms
- To refer, hospitals must call the hotel facility (713-851-2033) to notify the facility operator of pending transport, ensure space availability, and answer a few questions regarding the patient.
- Facility Location: 9902 Gulf Freeway, Houston, Texas, 77034 (Red Roof Inn & Suites)
General Population Eligibility Criteria & Referral Process
- Hospitals may use the hotel facility for isolation purposes for patients who are:
- Under quarantine and isolation guidance because they are:
- COVID-19 Positive; OR
- Awaiting COVID-19 test results; OR
- Exposed to someone with COVID-19; OR
- Healthcare workers or first responders AND
- Unable to safely isolate; OR
- Living with a vulnerable household member who:
- Is under the age of 2
- Is 65 and older
- Has underlying medical conditions
- Under quarantine and isolation guidance because they are:
- To refer a patient or discuss eligibility criteria, please contact the local health departments listed below. They will direct you where to send positive test results and medical files.
- Mon-Fri 9 AM-4 PM
- Houston Health Department: 832-393-5080 (for hospitals within the City of Houston)
- Harris County Public Health: 832-927-7575, menu option #5 for physicians, hospitals, and other health departments (for hospitals within Harris County)